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!!!!History & Tradition!!!!33720
#History & Tradition

Walk In Joseon! (face-to-face history tour)

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경복궁 가이드 받는 모습


  • Location

    Palace / Insa-dong

  • Schedule


  • Duration

    2H 30M

  • Language

    English, 中文, 日本語, korean


26.96 USD
Product can be purchased after moving to the partner company's page
* One-Line Program Description

Learn historical stories of Joseon in the center of Seoul.



  • You can look around two courses from Munmyo Shrine to Changgyeonggung Palace that were located at the center of Joseon.

  • A professional culture and tour guide will provide you with figure-focused storytelling.

  • You can understand what Joseon was like through the spaces and figures of Munmyo Shrine and Seonggyungwan.

  • You can enjoy the nighttime appearance of an ancient palace at Changgyeonggung Palace, which is always open at night.

[Target Participants]

  • Person who wants to bring children for a Seoul experience trip

  • Person who wants to participate in an educational field trip

  • A group of students or company workers who want to experience Seoul

  • Foreigner who wants to experience Seoul


Point 1. Learn how Joseon began and visit the most prestigious educational institution at the time.

You can learn the founding principle of the Joseon dynasty and Confucianism at Munmyo Shrine and the Daeseongjeon Hall of Seonggyungwan.

Imagine the life of students of Confucianism at the time and compare the culture and education system of Joseon with today’s.



Point 2. Look around Changgyeonggung Palace and listen to the story of East Palace of the Joseon dynasty.

The Changgyeonggung Tour will be focused on figures related to the East Palace of the Joseon dynasty.

After the explanation, you can take a night walk in Changgyeonggung Palace under the moonlight.

지도 건너뛰기
31, Seonggyungwan-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea


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Product can be purchased after moving to the partner company's page

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